Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life of Pi is a Visual Masterpiece

By on 4:48 PM

Life of Pi, based on a novel by Yann Martel, follows the story of a young Indian boy who survives a disaster at sea by taking refuge in a small boat occupied only by a Bengal tiger. The film earned director Ang Lee the coveted best director award at the Oscars and is a visual feast for the eyes, but putting it together wasn't as seamless as it looked.

Lee and his team decided to create a massive wave tank. It was built on an actual runway at a Taiwan airport — in fact, it was carved into the middle of the runway. After spending four months to develop, a 250-foot-long, 100-foot-wide and 9-foot-deep tank was able hold up to 1.7 million gallons of water. One wall was even movable, so they could take advantage of sunlight.

Acting in the middle of these effects was challenging. Sharma was alone in the middle of the tank, floating on a small boat. During an intense wave scene, he didn't even have contact with the crew because he was so isolated in the tank. They could only communicate with him by blasting a loud air horn — one blast meant "cut" and two meant "go again," and takes were filmed one after another. Sharma also had to reset the scene himself, by replacing props after every take.

Mashable's Samantha Murphy had an insider interview with Director Ang Lee. For more on this, click here

About The Author

Filipino-Canadian VICTOR DELA CASA spent over a decade working as a business professional in Canada. Mr. Dela Casa worked in IT, finance, marketing, international trade, public service, project management and the maritime industries. He earned degrees in Economics from the University of the Philippines and a Business Administration Honours from Eastern College in Canada. Currently, he is based in the Philippines as a professional writer for an international business processes firm while engaged in various business and community interests. For more, visit his official page.


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